Wednesday, August 23 2023   \  Published by H&A.

BPTO Strategic Plan 2022-2026

BPTO Strategic Plan 2022-2026

The acting president of the BPTO, Júlio César Moreira, presented last Tuesday, April 18th, at a breakfast promoted by ABPI (Intellectual Property Brazilian Association), the autarchy’s Strategic Plan for the next four years. At the meeting, the President announced, among others, actions for the areas of communication, governance, logistics, technology and infrastructure that, according to him, will allow the BPTO, by 2026, to decide in two years the examinations of patent applications, without any contestation. With that, the Brazilian Institute would be raised to the same level as the major international patent offices. “Yes, we have the capacity for this and we will do it”, said Moreira.

The presentation, mediated by the president of ABPI, Gabriel Leonardos, was also attended by the substitute Director of DIRPA (Patent Board), Alexandre Dantas Rodrigues, and the substitute Director of of DIRMA (Trademark Board), Schmuell Lopes Cantanhede. In his presentation, Moreira reaffirmed the need for BPTO management autonomy to hire examiners, buy equipment, invest in technology and other actions. To deal with these investments, he informed, the BPTO is asking the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services to increase the autarchy’s budget for this year from the current R$ 52 million to R$ 72 million. “We want management autonomy and the possibility of programming for each year’s expenses”, he confirmed. Read more

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