Monday, July 31 2023   \  Published by Sonoda Kobayashi .

CNIPA announces progress on open licensing of patents

CNIPA announces progress on open licensing of patents

Since last year, CNIPA has issued a work plan and taken multiple measures to comprehensively promote the pilot work of patent open licensing. Since the launch of the pilot, as of the end of June 2023, more than 1,500 patentees from 22 provinces have participated in the pilot, screened out 35,000 patent pilot open licenses which have market- oriented prospects and which are easy to promote and implement, matched and pushed to 76,000 small and medium-sized enterprises, and achieved nearly 8,000 licenses, achieving good results, and showing the following characteristics:

First, the active participation of various subjects. Nearly 600 universities and institutes and more than 900 enterprises participated in the pilot as patentee owners, including 110 national intellectual property pilot demonstration universities and many central enterprises. Second, the advantages of the system have initially appeared. In the pilot, more than 1,100 patents have realized the licensing of one patent to multiple enterprises, accounting for 40% of the total number of licensed patents, and the "one-to-many" feature is obvious, which effectively improves the licensing efficiency.

Third, the results of the pilot have been widely recognized. Relevant surveys show that 48.3% of patentees are aware of the patent open licensing system, and 49.6% are willing to adopt the open licensing method, of which nearly 90% are university patentees. Read more

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