Monday, July 10 2023   \  Published by Patentlyo .

An Overview of Proposed Changes in the ‘Patent Eligibility Restoration Act of 2023’

An Overview of Proposed Changes in the ‘Patent Eligibility Restoration Act of 2023’

by Dennis Crouch

Senators Tillis and Coons have released their “Patent Eligibility Restoration Act of 2023” designed to overturn the Supreme Court case of Mayo and Alice Corp. The impact here is to return eligibility doctrine back to the mid 2000s when almost any useful advance was likely patent eligible.

Here are some key points:

1. Elimination of Judicial Exceptions: The Act proposes to eliminate all judicial exceptions to patent eligibility. “Under this Act, and the amendments made by this Act, the state of the law shall be as follows: (A) All judicial exceptions to patent eligibility are eliminated.” Read more

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