Monday, May 8 2023   \  Published by IP Kat .

European Commission’s Draft Standard Essential Patents Regulation puts the emphasis on patent valuation

European Commission’s Draft Standard Essential Patents Regulation puts the emphasis on patent valuation

Further to her post of last week, Kat friend Roya Ghafele now discusses the proposed SEP regulation as published by the European Commission.

With only a few minor tweaks to the various leaked versions we saw beforehand, the European Commission went forward with its Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) Regulation Proposal.

The valuation of SEPs is at the core of the draft regulation

At its core, the draft regulation reflects the European Commission’s desire to take further ownership of the valuation of standard essential patents. The planned SEPs regulation is written from the perspective of enhancing transparency in markets for standard essential patents and fostering predictability of wireless communications markets.

In this spirit, the proposal is eager to establish further clarity as to what is and what is not a standard essential patent. It also shows a keen interest in the valuation of standard essential patents. Read more

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