Friday, December 23 2022   \  Published by Novagraaf .

International trademarks: Is the Madrid System right for you?

International trademarks: Is the Madrid System right for you?

The Madrid System for the international registration of trademarks allows brand owners to apply and maintain protection in the different member states of the system via one single procedure, in one language and one set of fees. However, levels of protection can vary and the process is not without its shortfalls.

For brand owners looking to register their valuable trademark rights in multiple international jurisdictions, the Madrid System for the international registration of marks provides a simple and cost-effective route to protection. Centrally administered by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) in Geneva Switzerland, the system enables brand owners to designate up to 110 member states, covering 126 countries (including Jamaica as of 27 March 2022) via one single procedure, using one language and paying only one set of fees.

In our experience, some clients can obtain cost savings of more than 40% when compared to national filings.

How does the application process work?

An application for an International Right (IR) must be based on an initial national application in one of the member countries; for example, an EU or UK trademark application or registration. Applicants can opt to file their IR application at the same time as they make their national application or any time after (but within six months if they are to claim priority). Read more

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