Wednesday, June 2 2021   \  Published by Deep & Far Attorneys-at-law.

Awareness of Intellectual Property Rights Increases in Hong Kong

A recent survey by the Intellectual Property Department in Hong Kong revealed that the general public maintained a high level of awareness of IP rights and the need for their protection.  92.9% of the 1,000 people participating in the Survey on Public Awareness of Intellectual Property (IP) Right protection 2020 considered it necessary to protect IP rights in Hong Kong.  79.3% felt that IP rights protection could help attract foreign investments, and 77.7% thought that it could help the development of local creative industries.  The Director of Intellectual Property, Mr. David Wong, emphasized that the IPD had been raising public awareness through various educational and promotional programs, and the surveys that had been commissioned since 1999 showed a steady rise in awareness.  For example, 92.8% of the respondents said they had never or seldom bought pirated or counterfeit goods up from 89.7% in 2018.  In addition, 86.2% agreed that it is morally wrong to buy pirated or counterfeit goods, up from 67.4% in 2014.  Considering that Hong Kong regards itself as a shoppers’ paradise, this trend will safeguard confidence among consumers and visitors alike going forward.

Deep & Far Attorneys-at-Law


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